Chiropractic Center Of Healing
Dr. Timothy R. Campbell, D.C., is a licensed chiropractor in the state of California. He has been in practice for the last fourty two years. After graduating from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles he continued at Cleveland Chiropractic College teaching for three and one half years. He taught chiropractic technique, principles and practice, and was a clinician in the school clinic helping student doctors perfect their techniques and diagnostic skills. His formal education includes a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Cal Poly, Pomona, and post-graduate studies in Chiropractic Orthopedics (Board Qualified), Applied Kinesiology, Thompson Terminal Point, Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Contact Reflex Analysis, Cranial-Sacral Technique, Herbs, Vitamins, and Nutrition.
What We Do

It is time to take action now! Living today in good health is the individual responsibility of every human being. In a warm and caring environment, this office is concerned with every aspect of wellness care. Our commitment is to assist you with the discovery and maintenance of your optimum health Dr. Campbell will help with determining the source of your symptoms and evaluate how the integration of the three aspects of health are uniquely balanced for each person. The three aspects of health are the structural, the nutritional or biochemical, and the emotional or psychological reversal
We have the expertise of many techniques available, including:
“Health Problems
Don’t Improve
With Time -
Only With Care”

Chiropractic is a system of examination whereby a Practice Member’s complaints, and symptoms whether from a physical, emotional, mental, or chemical challenges, can have an influence on how we perceive the environment in which we are living. Utilizing laboratory analysis, physical examination, organ system evaluation through a questionnaire (computer assisted), Applied Kinesiology, x-rays, or MRI, if warranted, a working diagnosis is obtained determining initiation of treatment. Chiropractic treats the nerve system which sends and receives information from the environment and our internal physiology. This is accomplished by the above mentioned examination and treating the influencing factors with modification or alignment of nutrition, posture, cranio-sacral adjusting, neuro emotional clearing, homeopathy, vitamins, and herbs. The result is a re-establishment of normal physiologic function of the individual for their overall wellness and optimum health.

Nutrition is more important today than ever before. Good nutrition is what we need to rebuild the body and gives us energy to participate in our daily activities with enthusiastic zest and zeal. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins, minerals and enzymes which drives and directs the chemical reactions in the body. To preserve the active potencies of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in the foods you are consuming, it is highly recommended you consume them in their raw state. This allows the body to use these phytonutrients to drive the energy cycles and elimination cycles in the human body. Sprouted seeds and grains release more of their vital nutrients than just cooking alone can ever accomplish. Drinking freshly juiced raw fruits and vegetables is another great way to extract the phytonutrients from vegetables and fruits. Vegetable and fruit juices from concentrated forms have been cooked to remove water and condense the juice; water is then added before bottling takes place. This process of cooking the juice inactivates the vital vitamins and enzymes present, and partially or completely negates the vitamin and mineral rich nutrients. This office will review what you presently are consuming and make recommendations on how to slowly change your particular eating practices.

Vitamins are nutritional support and is utilized when the biochemical side of the triad of health is found needing support. With our hectic lifestyles and fast pace, our bodies are not getting the nutritional support to keep all of our body’s systems functioning. Most of us are eating calorie rich, nutritionally poor food with very little vitamin, mineral, and active enzymes in the food. Fruits and vegetables eaten in their raw state preserves their
nutritional value and thus gives the body rebuilding blocks. This office utilizes vitamins in their active form and not the synthetic manufactured forms which are inexpensive, but cause more liver burden. The liver is an organ responsible for removing toxins and eliminating those toxins through the bowels. Vitamins and minerals are necessary components in driving numerous chemical reactions in the body, from digestion, forming needed proteins for rebuilding the body, hormone production, fatty acid synthesis for nerves and cell walls. Practice members often ask, “Why should I take vitamins, I eat healthy”? But the vast majority of us are not getting those needed vitamins and minerals in today’s fast paced lifestyle.
Herbs and Spices
Herbs are different plant parts which contain specific chemical healing properties which have an effect on the body. The plant parts used in different herbal remedies can be flowers, leaves, stems, and the root or combinations thereof. Spices that we use in cooking to flavor food can also be used as a therapeutic treatment to assist with various conditions which may arise in an individual. Some medications use synthesized forms of what is the active ingredient in the plant so it can be labeled and sold as a drug. One must remember that plants have natural ingredients which have active chemical components without the side effects of synthetic products. Herbs and spices have been used for thousands of years to treat parasites, bacteria, viruses, bruises, swelling, and inflammation. How this office incorporates this into practice is through a history, examination, and health assessment form to determine what is needed by the individual for their unique set of symptomatology.
Reiki is a technique that uses universal energy to balance the body by hands on healing and with the intent of allowing the individual’s body to direct where the energy is needed at that particular session. Reiki may be used on humans as well as animals to allow balance of energy flow within the individual being worked on. Reiki is a combination of the Japanese words, “REI” meaning “Free Passage” and “KI” meaning “Universal Life Force Energy”. Reiki was rediscovered as a system for healing by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1800's using symbols from ancient Mahayan Buddhist Sutras, some 2,500 years old. Specific symbols were used to bring in energy from the universe or void as an integral part of spiritual training, a verbal tradition given only to adepts or monks whose lives were devoted to spiritual purification. This energy will align the Body/Mind system with the higher levels of consciousness and ultimately to the universal oneness of all creation. Blocks to the energy flow are removed through the use of specific symbols and as the vibratory level of the individual increases, a natural ability of healing develops.